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Meet the family

From our production team to our in-store staff, everyone at Mecco works closely together to make sure all our dresses and the experiences we provide meet a standard that we’re proud of.

Mervi Kitusuo
Mervi Kitusuo set up Mecco in 2008, with the vision of providing beautiful dresses to customers at affordable prices. Her clients loved the value, but what really set Mervi’s business apart was the relaxed atmosphere and excellent customer service she offered. With a lifetime of sales experience, Mervi knows how important the whole shopping experience is and aims to provide that ‘wow’ factor for every customer, every time.

Anssi Kitusuo
In 2011 Anssi, Mervi’s son, joined the business. He wanted to help Mecco grow its customization options to make their dresses even more unique, and in 2013 the company set up their own factory in China which made all this possible. Anssi’s background in banking and product development means he’s always thinking about the future, coming up with new ways to provide great products and even better service for Mecco’s customers.

At the factory

This lovely bunch are the Mecco factory staff in China. Among them are two talented designers, three meticulous sewers, and three dedicated decoration-makers, as well as the project manager, head of production, and head of factory.